Social Stories

Social stories can be a great way to concretely and explicitly support a student in understanding a routine, a social situation, upcoming event, change in schedule, or their own emotions surrounding a specific event! The student's experience and perspective should always be taken into account, and the focus should not be on changing the student, but providing the tools needed to navigate certain scenarios, situations, and routines. A few articles, as well as Podcast, have been shared to learn more about this topic and all that should be taken into account when writing a social story, as well as resources from Carol Gray, and some visual examples. Social stories, if done correctly, can help relieve a student's anxiety by providing predictability, contextual information they may be missing, and a sense of reassurance and validation. 

Fire-Evacuation Drill.docx
Microsoft Word - Social Stories 10.0-10.2 Comparison Chart.docx.pdf
Microsoft Word - It is NOT a Social Story if....docx.pdf
Microsoft Word - 1. Safety Wherever I Go (Boy).docx.pdf
Jude Social Story
Microsoft Word - 15. Learning About Skunks and Sterotypes.docx.pdf
Going to kindergarten book.pptx
ASKINGFORHELPSocNarEtsy-1 (1).pdf
Feelings Social Story
Social stories on grief and loss.pdf