Stress Response System

©Maslow's Hierarchy students .pdf

Source: Dr. Lori Desautels, Revelations in Education

Source: Dr. Lori Desautels, Revelations in Education

The items on the left create stress on the nervous system; the items on the right are what the brain needs in order for the nervous system to feel safe, and to access the Prefrontal Cortex which is in charge of learning. In moments of high stress which the brain cannot tolerate, access to the PFC shuts off, and learning cannot take place. It is imperative that we are providing opportunities and moments throughout the day of Connection, Choice, and Movement, as well as providing structure and routines which are familiar and predictable. This creates a sense of safety.

Credit/Source: Courtney Boyle 

Adaptations to the above: could include visuals of each, and/or underlying sensations within each. 

Source: Dr. Lori Desautels, Revelations in Education

Autonomic Nervous System PDF.pdf

Source: Dr. Megan Ann Neff, Neurodivergent Insights

Source: Dr. Lori Desautels, Revelations in Education