Sensory Supports

Please note: working with your Occupational Therapy is extremely helpful when thinking of sensory supports and strategies to meet student needs!

Sensory friendly space checklist.pdf
23-24-Sensory Processing-Sensory Friendly Classroom Checklist-Sept 2023.pdf
Sensory Profile-Cheatsheet-OT Butterfly.pdf

You can use these checklists and tools below to help you create a Sensory Profile for each child you serve. From this profile, you can then adapt or modify the environment to fit their needs as globally as possible, as well as build sensory breaks into their day with strategies specific to their sensory needs.

Sensory Under-Responsive Checklist
Sensory Over-Responsive Checklist
Sensory Craving Checklist
22-23: Sensory Support Tools

Credit: Clackamas ESD

Sensational Brain-School-Checklist.pdf
Zone - Sensory Calming Activities.pdf

Wiggless, Stomps, and Squeezes Calm My Jitters Down: a neuro-affirming way to teach students about their sensory needs and ways to meet them

sensory choice board.pdf
Alternative Seating

Sensory Strategies in the Classroom
(adapted from Milwaukee Public Schools 2016-2017 Regulation Cohort Reference Material, created by Katie Berg and Karn Cronwell)

Hug Rubbing back/shoulders Fidgets: textured, jointed, squeezy, vibrating
Pushups Wall/Chair pushups Messy play: shaving cream, finger paint
Playdoh/clay Weight lap/shoulder pad Bean bag chair / bean bag sandwich
Drumming Circle Putting chairs on desks Carrying crate with books / lunch bags


Slow Rocking Walk Jumping Jacks
March Wheelbarrow walk Animal  Walks
Seat cushions Tennis ball chair legs Laying on belly to work
Songs with directed movement (ex: Hokey Pokey) Head/Shoulders/Knees/Toes

Monkeybars Swings Slides
Running Organized Games General playground equipment

Calming music Drumming circle
Nature Sounds Headphones Classroom singing/chanting

Lavendar, chamomile, citrus - calming or natural scents Deep Breathing
Spices Bubbles Hard or chewy candy (peppermints, tootsie rolls)

Meeting Sensory Needs handout.pdf
Sensory Spaces in Schools.pdf