Week ending 

Friday 5th July, 2024

Happy Friday!

What a week! After the typically-British weather arrived just in time for Sports Day, we gave the children a fun mini-sports tournement in our hall instead. We had balance races, running and throwing and the children had a wonderful time!

The older nursery children have had their first experience of Reception and attended the Gruffalo's Picnic! Thank you so much to all of the families that came along and supported us to create a wonderful experience for the children. We're so proud of our graduating children and it was so great to see their smiling faces as they explored the Reception provision. As our youngest learners graduate into nursery experts, all families should have now received their letters detailing the date and time for returning to school in September. We are so proud of them, moving up to becoming model leaners for the new, younger children who will arrive. Wow. Please join us to celebrate all of our hard-workers on Friday 19th July at 9am, where we will fill the nursery with singing, activities and snacks and enjoy sharing the children's learning profiles.

We hope that you all enjoy a sunny and restful weekend!

Best wishes,

The Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Our key words this week

Our Maths Learning this week

We've been matching numerals to amounts. 

Where can you see groups of things around you? Count out loud!

Activities to try at home this weekend

Can you draw a sunny landscape?

Make a picnic for your toys, dolls and bears! 


Nursery Graduation

Friday 19th July, 9am.

Last Day - 2pm Close

Wednesday 24th July 

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 8800 5758 or email the team on wdoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk