Week ending 

Friday 13th October, 2023

Dear Families,

We have come to the end of our first half term, and the end of our Transport topic. This week we have had great fun exploring air transport and every child has shown great engagement in the topic! Lots of wonderful creartive designs have filled our classroom. After the half term break, our topic will be Autumn and Bonfire Night.

This has been a fantastic half-term full of brand new experiences and lots of new friendships. It is very rewarding to see all our children happy and settled now and making great progress. Despite some occasional tears or reluctance, I can assure you all that this disappears very quickly after parents have left and your child quickly gets happily involved. I'd like to thank-you all for being on board with us settling your children in and helping them to be happy, resilient learners at Nursery.

Have an absolutely fantastic half term, break. See you all on the 30th October,.

Best wishes,

The Nursery Team.

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the story with your child, then ask them the suggested questions.

Where does an aeroplane fly?

Where is luggage loaded on an aeroplane?

What do you find on the wings of an aeroplane?  What are they for?  

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Click on the picture below to listen to the song/rhyme with your child. Please practise every day.

Our Words this week

Our Maths Learning this week

Activities to try at home this weekend

Conkers and sticks

Please visit the park and bring us conkers, bundles of sticks and any other exciting Autumn objects for our Maths activities.  Thank-you!


Independent toileting

Please continue to teach your child at home how to use the toilet on their own, including pulling down and pulling up their own clothing and wiping themselves.  

We strongly encourage you not to give your child a nappy or pull-up at night. Alternatively, buy a waterproof sheet and make sure your child does not drink anything just before they go to bed.

Well done to all of you who have recently been working so hard on toileting! We have seen fantastic progress!  


As the weather gets progressively colder and wetter, we ask you to please make sure your child brings a coat to school. Again, PLEASE label all your child's clothing, especially school uniform. You can purchase a relatively cheap permanent laundry marker from Amazon. 

If your child is still finding it tricky to put their coat on independently, how about trying the above "Dip and Flip" method? Please encourage your child to be as independent as possible.   

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 8800 5758 or email the team on wdoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk