Week ending 

Friday 17th November, 2023

Dear Families,

Wow. what a week! The Woodberry Down tooth fairy has arrived and we have all started to learn to brush our own teeth with our own, personalised toothbrushes (that are stored hygienically and safely). We're really proud of the children for having a good go at maintaining oral hygiene.

We've also completed our Autumn topic, the children have spent the week exploring the treasures that we find in Autumn. They have been on a treasure hunt of our large playground and can all use our keywords of the week to describe their treasures! Next week, we move onto 'Occupations' - if any parents or carers wish to come in and share their occupation with the children, we would love to invite you in - just tell a member of the team.

Our number of the week is 2. Have a look around and see what you can find 2 of! We've been exploring it in different forms (numbers, objects). The formation rhyme is attached below.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Best wishes,

The Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Where does Pip live in the story?

What happens to the leaves on the tree?

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Our Words this week

Our Maths Learning this week

What can you do 'two' times?

Can you roll a dice and land on 'two'?

Draw 2 of something!

Activities to try at home this weekend

If you have any clean junk such as whole boxes, especially small ones and VERY large ones, we would be very happy to take them. We love to make dens and houses out of massive boxes!


Do you have an occupation? We would love to know all about it. It would be so great to have some photos sent to us showing you in your profession, whatever it is, and especially if you wear a uniform! If you feel comfortable doing this, please ask a colleague to take a photo of you at your workplace along with something that typically shows your occupation. You can send them to the school office email (found at the bottom of the page) for the attention of Ms Mulder and let me know what you job title is so we can share the photos with the children.

Are you a police officer, doctor, nurse, dentist or firefighter? Or do you have a friend who is? I am hoping to find some professionals in uniform who are willing to come in and have a short chat to our children about what they do.


If you have borrowed any clothes from Nursery, please return them as we no longer have any spare trousers.

If you have any that you are happy to donate, please pass them to a member of the Nursery Team.

Family Friday

Don't forget it's Family Friday next Friday 24th November. Come and read a book or two to your child in our reading areas.

Time:   8.50 - 9.15 or 3:00 - 3:25pm

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 8800 5758 or email the team on wdoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk