Week ending 

Friday 26th April, 2024

Happy Friday!

What a a colouful week we have had! By exploring our curious question 'How do we make new colours?', we looked at the colours in a rainbow and made rainbows by using chalk, collage materials and paint, we mixed primary colours to make secondary colours and even worked on making colours lighter and darker! We were inspired by the artist Jackson Pollock and made paintings using splash techniques with pipettes. This week our traditional tale was 'Little Red Hen' and we made a delicious onion and tomato omelette as well as mark making characters from the story. 

In Maths we have started to explore 3D shapes and used cubes, cuboids and cylinders to make towers and models.. You can see how brilliant our towers look below! Finally, as always, thank you to all of our families that were able to come along to Family Friday this week., The children really enjoy having their families with them.

Wishing you a lovely weekend,

Best wishes,

The Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Our Words this week

Our Maths Learning this week

We've been building towers!

 We've explored some new 3D shapes.

Activities to try at home this weekend

Explore your own colour mixing!



Please bring in baby photos over the week so the children develop a personal understanding of the human life cycle and how they have grown over time. We will photocopy the photos and return the originals. 

Thank you for your continued support!

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 8800 5758 or email the team on wdoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk