Week ending 

Friday 3rd May, 2024

Happy Friday!

As we continued to look at our topic 'Colours' using the curious question 'Can you use colours to create Artwork like Monet?' We found out by using water colours, pastels, big brush strokes and painting water lilies we could become little Monets ourselves! We also recreated his famous bridge using small and large construction pieces! This week our traditional tale was 'Little Red Hen' and just like Little Red Hen we made wonderful bread rolls which we enjoyed eating with butter, as well as cutting out and sticking 2D shapes to make our own hens

The children have been looking at ways to make scented perfumes by mixing different types of dried flowers to water. We have found that combining the two gave us scented water which the children enjoyed rubbing on their clothes!

In Maths we have explored cones and pyramids along with the 3D shapes from last week; cubes, cuboids and cylinders, looking at them through torches to see the light reflect through!

Wishing you a lovely long weekend!

Best wishes,

The Nursery Team

Gallery of this week's learning

Our Book this week

Our Song/Rhyme this week

Our key words this week

Our Maths Learning this week

Activities to try at home this weekend

Make model using recycled boxes! How many 3D shapes can you use? 



Please bring in baby photos over the week so the children develop a personal understanding of the human life cycle and how they have grown over time. We will photocopy the photos and return the originals. 

Thank you for your continued support!

Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to call the school office on 020 8800 5758 or email the team on wdoffice@newwavefederation.co.uk