Rules of Engagement

Yes, the goal of your digital portfolio is to engage your viewers in a positive experience that displays and explains the work you do in your classes. Every single thing doesn't have to be 100% made by you, but that is the goal of your website - the school and the work you do here. The following rules apply:


You make the graphics and videos yourself with the following exceptions:

Images for the Favorite Things project

These are allowed ON your Favorite Things web page. The text explanation that accompanies them makes it clear you did not take the photos yourself. Crediting the websites where you found them must be in the credits of your video... you can display them as text as well, if you like.


Your various web pages need a graphic header instead of just plain text. I have proclaimed that Adobe's Firefly text generator can be used to fill that need until you can make your own in Photoshop, but as long as the text has tight, sharp edges and a transparent background (PNG, of course) you can keep them with one important caveat: it must be clearly stated that it was "Made with Adobe's Firefly AI tools".  

To use Adobe Firefly you must follow the video instructions on this page.

Background Images for Headers

As of 2/1/2024, the background image for your header text PNG with transparency that YOU generated with Adobe Firefly can be used with the following stipulations:


Things not directly related to your own work go on the About page, such as:

Friend Links

Statements of friendship and promotion of other student portfolios are allowed at the bottom of the About page. Official DATA components (maps, graphics, links, etc.) and biographyabout yourself comes first!

Fun Stuff

You may make a drop-down sub-page (like our + pages here) with all the creative, silly, fun links and side-projects you spend your own time creating. If you are going to Rick-Roll someone, isolate such things to this page. This is where your sense of humor can come through the strongest, in one sense. Personally, I can assure you that the Voice present in your writing throughout your site is where truly humorous people work their magic.