Created with Adobe Firefly by Kendrick Gant

Updating Portfolio 3D Modeling Page

You should have enough to do a Portfolio update for your 3D Modeling page. A header that's more than just 2D text is a great start - experiment with the 3D Text tools in Sketchup if you can't think of anything else you can create quickly and efficiently.

You should have links to Sketchup and an explanation of what the software is like, an image of your Cubes and an explanation of what you learned from the exercise, along with images of your house both unpainted and painted. Talk about components, colors, textures and any extras you got done from the + pages. The page is not complete without a video created with Scenes and ScreenPal!

Some notes before you do any capturing - Pressing F11 on your browser page showing your house and you can capture MORE of the screen. During the editing part of your capture, click on resolution in the upper right and select 1080p. You can also add an Overlay of Text with your name and place it in a corner of your video. Color, font and background shape can all be adjusted to your liking. Don't forget to mute narration, name the file and select where it's going to be saved.

ScreenPal Capture

This web-based software needs special approval the first time it's run on a school computer. It works very well, even letting you edit the recording. This tutorial just shows how to trim the ends, but you can also insert text and change the resolution to 1920x1080. Try pressing F11 in Sketchup to get a bigger screen, and definitely record two full loops because the free Screenpal adds it's own bit of video at the end.

Launch Free Recorder

Choose the Free Recorder option - if you go straight to their website, you may have to do this twice. It will initiate the download of an EXE file. On a school computer, you will have to approve the download as you see below.

Unverified File Permission

This is one executable (EXE) file that is allowed through the District firewall. When you click on the file name the first time, this will show up - approve the download of the "unverified" file. Don't run the program from Download directly the next time you use it... it won't work.

 Below are early examples of screen recordings of houses animated with scenes. Please note - EVERYthing in these models has to be made by you. Only textures can come from the warehouse. I have verified that everything in Penny's video was made from scratch. Another person put security cameras on their house from the 3D warehouse, a violation of trust with that student.  This is NOT new information!

240130 ScreenPal Recording.mkv

ScreenPal Recording - Alternate

MKV video inserted from Google Drive as a test of this alterate format and deliver method.