Made With Adobe Firefly

Finishing Up 3D Modeling

Everyone should have 2 models to show for all the time spent on this unit. "Showing" means Sketchup and Blender PNG images and MP4 videos uploaded to your "DO NOT DELETE" folder on Google Drive so they can play on your portfolio. It also means writing MORE than a single sentence to explain how and why you created what you did, what software was used where, and the challenges you overcame or disasters that you experienced along the way.

Spin Like Simple House

To show the model from every angle, we start by setting rotation keyframes exactly like we did with the House. 0 to 360 and back to 0. Three seconds fast, seven seconds slower. The slower spin is when we will move the camera.

Moving the Camera

From frames 90 to 300, the camera will move to look down on your model. It does NOT move until after the first 3 seconds, so the first keyframe is at frame 90. Jump to the end, move the camera to look down, and add as few "fixer" keyframes as possible to keep the model centered. Follow these steps carefully for the best results!

Rendering Your Video

You have rendered your Simple House video - we do the same thing here, so this is a refresher tutorial. The big difference is that this is NOT a loop. To create a loop we can do a little work in Premiere if you are taking this video to the next level.