
Created with Adobe Firefly


Final Touches

The power of using Adobe programs together is amazing - if you used Photoshop layers for your Titles, you have already had a taste of how a link like this can be formed. We'll look at connecting After Effects "compositions" to quickly keyframe some amazing effects to add the WOW! factor to your video.

Collage Background

Making a collage out of the pictures you already have makes a nice background for credits or even as an Intro. This older video shows you the basic technique - adapt it as needed.

Using AE Animation

Using "Replace with After Effects Composition" will turn a still Photoshop background into an asset that is actually a project in another program. There are endless combinations of effects that can be keyframed - CC Flow Motion for example.

These are a few of the animations you can create with keyframes on the Effects --> Distort menu.  I made these just poking around and seeing what happens when I change values. There's a lot of trial and error when you are just exploring.

CC Flo Motion

Two "Knots" that can be moved with keyframes along with their "Amounts", making them more complex over time.

CC Page Turn

Keyframe the position of the corner of the page to move as you like - move it WAY off the screen to turn it all the way.

CC Split

Moveable anchors & an amount you can keyframe. There is another version where you can keyframe top and bottom separately.


Makes ongoing ripples unless you keyframe the size. Several additional controls to shape the ripples.

Turbulent Displace

Similar, if not exactly the same, as the effect available in the  Premiere Pro Video Effects menu.

Displacement Map

This more advanced version can tile the edges and use things like the green and red values to control displacement.

CC Lens

This uses 4 stacked image layers to create the magnifying effect, including one at the bottom that isn't animated. Took some work to make it loop!


Simple yet dizzying effect. Use with caution.