Created by James Turner using Adobe Firefly and Photoshop

Peer Review

Before having your final version graded, have as many of your fellow students as possible watch the preview of your video full screen and be ready to take notes on any problems they see. Sometimes a fresh set of eyes can spot jumps and bounces in your animation, misspelled words or improper grammar and URLs in your credits that can be improved. Anything I noted about your keyframes should be fixed by now - I will be looking to see if you corrected them in addition to looking for lowercase "i"s, misspelled words and orphans in your captions!

Speed/Duration Changes

By placing one Sequence inside another, we can do things that would be almost impossible otherwise. To create a faster version, we wouldn't want to shorten each image, move the keyframes, adjust the captions, speed up the credits... applying the Speed/Duration command instead makes it a piece of cake.

Exporting the 2X Draft Version

Adobe provides a second program devoted to turning "recipes and ingredients" into an actual video that can be played and shared. We'll do that with our fast draft version so everything can be checked quickly before creating the Final.

231024 My Favorite Things - Firstname Lastname (DRAFT 2x Speed)

Early Turn-In Super Sampler of Draft Videos

Exporting the Full Version

Once you have been given the go-ahead from Mr. Hicks, you can export your Master to create a "Final" version of your project. Use the method shown to easily rename the file from Master to something more appropriate, or copy/paste:

231027 My Favorite Things - Firstname Lastname (FINAL)

And now, for your Portfolio....

... You need a place to put you files so they can be added from Google Drive to Google Sites. YouTube is no longer an option at NEISD. This means creating a new folder that is clearly for long-term storage of the files your website depends on. To absolutely sure you don't delete these by accident and know exactly where to upload these important files, go to Google Drive, choose New --> New Folder and for the name, copy/paste:


This second step is incredibly important or nothing in this folder will be visible to anyone except yourself. For this folder, go to the share options and make sure you change the folder's permission "Anyone With the Link". From then on, when you upload a file into it, you will be able to insert that file directly into your Google Site with no worries about permissions.

Restricted by Default

If this is not changed, you may not realize that you can see your Portfolio stuff but others will be blocked.

Viewable with the Link

With the folder shared this way, anything you put in it is easy to find and makes your Portfolio work the way it's supposed to.

Also add as a person with access in case you need help managing this special-purpose folder.

Creating a Safe Place for Files

You will have several parts to your Portfolio where we need to insert files, and those files must have permissions set so that any viewer can see them. 

Portfolio Video Player

To make your video playable on your Portfolio, it must be added using the Insert --> Drive option on Google Sites and navigating to your new DO NOT DELETE folder. We haven't published our site yet, but you can preview what it will look like and test it out for yourself.