Made With Adobe Firefly

Introducing Photoshop

TITLE SCREENS for My Favorite Things

You will introduce your video and each category with a text screen - we will use Photoshop to create highly legible text that also looks great. Before we add some "special effects" called Layer Styles, we draw a text "corral" and choose fonts and sizes that are appropriate for this specific job. We'll start off with our Intro and then move on to the 3 category Titles. 

Step 1

A) Start Photoshop and click "New File"

B) Select the "Film and Video" tab and choose HDTV 1080p, the first option

C) In the top right, rename from "Untitled-1" to

230905 Titles for My Favorite Things - Lastname Firstname

D) As soon as it finishes opening, use "File --> Save As" and save it to your Project Folder

E) Look in the toolbar on the left to select the Text Typing Tool (its icon looks like a fancy "T", in other words) 

Firing up Photoshop

This video show you how to start the program and select the right size preset, 1920 x 1080. NOTE: Our project folder is now in the OneDrive folder, not in Documents.

Step 2


A) Center your text. NEVER use spaces - let the computer do it. That's what it's for.

B) We will start with a larger font size by clicking in the font size field and typing "150".

C) Draw a rectangular box in the safe zone that stretches from one corner of the smallest blue box to the other - now your text can't go off the screen. It will wrap around or hide instead. I call it a "corral" for text.

D) Type "My Favorite Things" in the box. The next part only works when the text is selected.

(Return to edit a text box by double clicking in between two of the letters).

E) Change font to something big and bold - you can use the drop down menu or click once on the name of the font so it is highlighted and use your up/down arrow keys to browse.

F) Click the check mark in the upper right to complete the operation.

Typing in Photoshop

The text tool does allow you to simply click and start typing, but that's not the best way to make something like this. You need to click and drag a rectangle for your text that I call a "corral". It prevents your words from running off the side of the screen. Instead, they disappear when they don't fit, although they are still there. To see them, the text has to be made smaller or the corral made bigger.

Things to remember about fonts:

1. Legibility is KING - choose a font that is easy to read at a glance.

2. Use solid fonts - letters with transparent parts will be harder to read with special effects.

3. If the font has a bold style available (just to the right of its name), select it.

4. Change the font size so it is nice and big but all the words are still visible.

5. Ctrl-A is the shortcut for Select All - very handy for selecting even text you can't see.

Ctrl-S is the keyboard shortcut to save your file whenever you accomplish anything. These programs will crash and you cannot count on any Autosaving. Use just your left hand - keep your right on the mouse! 

Step 3

Draw another text corral in the safe zone across the bottom of the screen and repeat the process for your name. Full name is preferred but not required, and you CAN use a "scripty" font for this ONE thing if you make it large enough, so it looks a bit fancier even though it is harder to read. Like a signature... just this once! 

Your Second Text Box

Draw another text corral in the safe zone across the bottom of the screen and repeat the process for your name. Full name is preferred but not required, and you CAN use a "scripty" font for this ONE thing if you make it large enough, so it looks a bit fancier even though it is harder to read. Like a signature... just this once! 

Alternative to Photoshop

Last year we discovered a clone version of Photoshop available for free online. It is a labor of love by a single programmer (it took him 3 years!) who doesn't require you to sign up for an account or anything like that. While Photoshop has continued to develop incredible new tools, this is more like a version from a couple of years ago, but your basic skills are quite interchangeable. You can't always install Photoshop on the computer you are on, so this is one resource that you should definitely know about!

There are many, many tutorials out on the web where you can learn to create special text effects. PhotoshopEssentials is one of the better ones, and the icons above represent a good variety of examples at various difficulty levels. They are outside tutorials, but students have had fun and good success designing text for their projects that looks different from everyone else. Give them a try if you have the time!

Want More? Check this out...

Brady Erickson has a lot of fantastic tutorials - this one takes Text Effects to a whole new level!