
Created with Adobe Firefly and Photoshop by Danica Do


Digital Portfolio Extras

If you went the extra mile and made animated backgrounds for your video, you can add them to your portfolio page separate so people can really see what you created! They can be smaller, looping animated GIF's 

AE as Animatef GIFs

If you would like to display any of your After Effects animations the same way they show on +Week 10+, you can export the composition directly from AE to Media Encoder with a couple of changes to the settings. Animated GIF's can be uploaded the same way other images are.


(Color-based: Red & Green)


(Multiple Layers)


(3 Keyframe sets)

Turbulent Displacement

(Available in Premiere too)

Demo Reel Part 1

Animated GIFs don't really show the details of your animation - you can use Premiere to export an HD 1080p video that can be played by your visitors. Here I combine a number of different backgrounds by re-using my Favorite Things project file.

Demo Reel Part 2

The process of exporting this "Demo Reel" to Adobe Media Encoder should be familiar to you. Here I create two versions that are the same file size but of different quality. Having Premiere examine your video first and take notes on where it needs more data - called 2-Pass encoding.