Created with Adobe Firefly

Original Model Project

Before you continue to the next project after Simple House, make sure you have turned in a 100% video animation: 300 frames (10 seconds) of your Simple House spinning first one way, then the other. 

You also need to get your output onto your Digital Portfolio's 3D Modeling page - you should have pictures and videos from Sketchup and Blender displayed and explained on your website! 

Each of you will make one or more models in Sketchup to animate and maybe even 3D print! We will set some basic rules for starting off, but you are encouraged to explore your imagination and create unique "sculptures" that really show off your 3D modeling skills. 

The Guidelines


Reverse Warning Color

Faces should never be painted on the reverse side. Spotting them before they get painted is easier if Sketchup shows them in a warning color. A quick Style edit lets you do that! It's not paint - it's simply a change to the design environment. Click to watch the Extended Version for a more detailed explanation and a time saving tip.

Modern Art Sculpture

One way to get a start when you don't already know what you want to make is to take the random approach. It's not particularly original, generally, but it can yield results that can surprise you... and even me!

Dangers and Time-Savers

With any model, there are problems that can crop up that if you don't fix right away (reverse faces) can turn into a real headache. There are also some techniques that can save you a lot of time!

Before painting or texturing ANY of your model, make a copy of the file using "Save As". (Copy the file name first to save time and effort). You must have an "UNPAINTED" version set aside before you start using any Materials.  Don't be afraid to start over a second or third time IN A NEW FILE. From my experience that's often when students do their best work! Don't discard any "failed" experiments - you never know... you might look back and see something useful for your next step.