Made With Adobe Firefly

TITLE SCREENS for My Favorite Things

Once you have your Titles made (Intro + Separate Category), we'll want to have some bitmap versions for easy use in Premiere to use with our image collection. Simply hide layers that don't belong in a Title and use File --> Quick Export as PNG to make each of the Titles that will show on the screen throughout your video.

Step 1

Check Your Spelling

Before doing your final exports, you MUST run the Photoshop spellchecker on your text layers. They must be "switched on" to get checked, and Photoshop will remind you if you have editable text layers that are not "visible". Check the changes carefully!  Nothing worse than finishing your whole video and THEN realizing you have a fairly obvious error like that.

Legibility is affected by the kind of font you choose and the way you apply the layer styles - some of them make it harder to read, instead of easier. One of the primary factors is the contrast between the color of your text, especially the edges, and the background.  There is a calculator that can determine the Contrast between two color values. We can sample our image to get the values of the text and background colors and plug them in to a Contrast Checker.

Short Version

Using the Contrast Checker to verify if your colors provide enough contrast between the background and your text.

Long Version

More detailed explanation with various examples of measuring contrast in different image situations.

Step 2

Exporting from Photoshop

Although we can use Photoshop layers directly in Premiere if we want to, we want to have simpler "frozen" images to use as placeholders and only replace them with something animated if we have time.

The top outer glow wasn't set to "Normal" mode, so it interacts with the colors in the background.

This bright green glow works because it's effectively the opposite of the purple text and background.

These kinds of "fat" bold fonts really allow bevel and emboss and inner glow to show better.

For large fonts, you need more Size on the bevel and more Size and Spread on the glow. Values depend on the font.

A) Use the visibility toggles (eyeballs) on the different layers until your title text and background are showing.

B) Go to the File menu and choose Export --> Quick Export as PNG

C) Make sure you are in your project folder and name them

230917 Title - Intro
230917 Title - Category categoryname
230917 Title - Category categoryname
230917 Title - Category categoryname

Step 3

If you have any alternate images, it's time to decide which pictures you are actually going to use in your video. Get the image address for your main choice from the Comments fields and turn your Outline into 9 links to the original image on the internet. If you have the images already and an expanded outline, you can link the rest of them as well.

If you want to link the alternates you are NOT going to use, just add the word "Alternate"  next to the chosen and add a second link.

Your results should be similar to the example here on the right.


1.            Honduras

2.            Guam

3.            Colorado


4.            Octopus

5.            Hummingbird

6.            Dragonfly


7.            Steak

8.            Apples

9.            Ice Cream

Copy the URL from the Comment field for the picture, highlight the word or words for that image in the Outline and use one of the two methods below to make those words clickable as a "Hyperlink".  (All the underlined words in this section are links to definitions found on the web).