From the official Sketchup Forums:

Hello SketchUppers!

You may have noticed a new face in your SketchUp for Schools modeling window today, and we’re very excited to introduce our team member, Casey Grothus, as the newest scale figure.

Casey first found SketchUp in 6th grade, when he came to us through Project Spectrum, our outreach initiative for members of the autism community. After years of modeling in his free time, he joined the SketchUp team as an intern in 2016, and has since gone on to manage Project Spectrum - the very program that first connected him to us!

Since joining SketchUp full time, Casey has shared his love of 3D modeling, and his technical skills, with hundreds of students through both in person and virtual classes. He’s also a familiar face here on the SketchUp forums, and can often be found responding to questions and helping you with your product queries.

Please join us in welcoming our new SketchUp for Schools representative, and send Casey a shoutout here in the forums! To learn more about his work with Project Spectrum, check out the program page here 6.

Happy Sketching!

Your SketchUp for Schools Team