September 8, 2023

A Message from Mrs. Wunderlich & Reagan Staff


Dear Families,

I am truly in awe of the amount of fundraising money our families have pledged so far during the Fun Run. Your support of our school is incredibly kind & generous. We already hit $22,023 in pledges and are halfway to our fundraising goal! We would love for you to join us during the run next Friday, September 15th. You can come to cheer the kids on or sign up to help volunteer HERE.

Monday is PJ and donut day for all students since we hit our halfway goal! Individual classes are also celebrating hitting some donation milestones with stuffed animals days, gum days, hat days, and more. Watch for communication from your child’s teacher on those special days.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Brittany Wunderlich 

Important Information 

Reagan Fun Run Information

🤩 Reagan Families 🤩

We are 🗓 ONE WEEK 🗓 away from our Fun Run and there is a special challenge for the weekend with an extra prize on Monday!!   Any student who gets $3 per lap or $90 in flat donations over the weekend, will earn a Bonus Prize!!  

We still need 📣LOTS of volunteers📣 to help make the Fun Run a success!!!  If you are able to spare some time, please sign-up to help!

Lunch Menu

YoYo Berri Fundraiser 

Thank you to all of our families who stopped out for Yo-Yo Berri Night!

We raised $273!

This money will go directly back to support students and their learning.

Millard West Dance Team Clinic 

Does your child enjoy dancing? Check out the flyer for more information and an opportunity to learn from our Millard West Dance Team.

Previously Shared Information That Is Still Relevant

Forms and Fliers

_Future Educators Club Application (1).pdf
ParentVUE Attendance - Absence Request