December 8 & December 15, 2023

A Message from Mrs. Wunderlich & Reagan Staff



This newsletter will be the final newsletter for this calendar year due to the short week leading into Winter Break. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones! You can expect our next Regal Eagle on Friday, January 5.

Wednesday, December 20 - End of Second Quarter

No School for Students:

Thursday, December 21-Wednesday, January 3. 

We look forward to welcoming students back on Thursday, January 4!

Project Wee Care - Giving Tree

Godfather's Night - Tuesday, December 12

December Breakfast & Lunch Menu

January Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Future Chefs Culinary Challenge - 4th & 5th Graders

4th and 5th graders are invited to submit a favorite recipe in this year's Future Chefs Culinary Challenge.  This year's theme is "No Place Like Home." 

Entries are due by January 31st.   

Previously Shared Information That Is Still Relevant:

Winter Eagles Bedtime Story Calendar

December is a BUSY month for families. Reagan staff would like to help! We have put together a winter bedtime story calendar with some of our favorite winter-themed books. Please enjoy a read a loud from a staff member each evening. 

Site Plan: This is also a tie to our Reagan School Site Plan - Link Here

December Eagles Winter Story Time:

Forms and Fliers

ParentVUE Attendance - Absence Request

❄️ Wintery Conditions Are Here - Reagan Recess Guidelines ❄️

Grade-level teachers and the office staff will determine whether students will go out for recess based on precipitation, wind chill, and temperature.  We will plan for outside recess if the temperature or wind chill (“feels like”)  is above 0 using at the time of the recess. This might mean that a grade level that has a recess at 10 AM may stay inside due to wind chill, and then it might warm up in the afternoon to allow for other grade levels to go outside. We will always go outside unless it is actively snowing and the area cannot be cleared in time for a safe recess.

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Please dress students appropriately for the weather each day so they can fully participate. Classroom teachers have communicated with families what students in your child's grade level will be permitted to bring for outside winter play. There are many factors that go into this decision, such as length of recess, students' level of independence getting dressed/undressed, schedule for what is happening before/after recess, etc. Please make sure to take note of your child's grade level decision through their weekly communication/newsletter. Thank you for your partnership and cooperation in advance.