March 29, 2024

A Message from Mrs. Wunderlich & Reagan Staff

Reagan Families, 

Last night, our fourth grade students showcased their amazing talents during their music program.  It was great to see some of you visiting the building during their performances.  

There will be no school for spring break April 8th through April 12th.  We look forward to welcoming students back on April 15th.  

Enjoy the weekend, 

Mrs. Wunderlich

Birthday Board

A new month means many more birthdays! 

Let's make sure that no child's birthday is overlooked. 

Are you looking for a special way to have your child recognized on their special day at school?

Fill out the Google Form linked here to secure your child's birthday date! 

Students will be recognized on the large TV monitor at the entrance of our building as an additional celebration! 

See the picture for an example! 

Staff Member of the Week

Congratulations to Mrs. Bierman!

See below for all of the wonderful things colleagues have to say about them!

When I was out sick unexpectedly Macy stepped up huge and helped make sure everything ran smoothly and assisted the sub with everything. It's great to have a team to count on!

The day in and day out needs of fifth grade are taken care of because you're constantly looking out for us! Thank you for making 5th grade run like a well oiled machine.

Thank you for waiting for all of the kinders to go by during the shelter drill. We appreciate your patience!

Thank you for being flexible and sharing some of your recess time with 1st grade!

TAGG Madness 

Even though we've been knocked out of the bracket, we can still become the VIP School (school with the most unique TAGG supporters) - and we are currently in 2nd place! The prize is a school-wide popcorn party courtesy of Vic's Corn Popper and a $250 cash prize from TAGG!

 Plus, if we reach our $500 raised goal, students will get a Pajama Day!

Ways to help us win:
1. Create your FREE account and submit receipts from any participating business who will donate 5% to our school!

2. Purchase custom TAGG Madness pints from eCreamery online at 

·      They'll donate 50% ($5) per pint when you select the school at checkout.

·      You can pick up the pints at their Dundee shop or their warehouse at 136th & Industrial.

Millard Communications Survey

We Want To Know What You Think!

Millard parents and guardians, help us get the information you need better and faster! Please fill out this quick Survey about Millard Public Schools Communications. The survey is open through Tuesday, April 9th. We value your opinions and will use the results to guide our communications. 

Solar Eclipse on April 8th

Although our students will be on Spring Break when the next solar eclipse happens in the US, there are some great resources you may want to check out with your family.  

NASA's Plans for the Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024. Here are useful follow-up resources from a recent live webinar.    

Lunch Information and Menu

Previously Shared Information That Is Still Relevant

Parents with Heart Input Survey

Parents with Heart is seeking input on activities, events, and items from the 2023-2024 school year.  Your input matters and impacts next year's events and planning.  

Please complete this survey!

School Contact and Hours