August 18, 2023

A Message from Mrs. Wunderlich & Reagan Staff

Reagan families, 

Our first full week of school was fantastic! Our Eagles are learning classroom and school expectations. Be on the lookout in your email inbox for the Virtual Curriculum Night communication from your child(ren)'s teacher, which will be sent on August 30th.

We appreciate our community keeping our students safe at school. Thank you for continuing to remember a form of identification when you visit the building, reminding your child(ren) to cross at crosswalks, and walking with your child to the car when you are parked.

We look forward to another great week!


School Theme: We Are One!

This year our staff chose the theme of "We Are One."

 As you can see in the image, "Eagles" is listed three times intentionally. The Eagles stand for students, staff, and the community. Together, we will continue to celebrate the uniqueness and individuality of every student and member of the school community while emphasizing the importance of coming together as a cohesive unit. This theme encourages embracing differences, fostering inclusivity, and building strong connections among students, staff, and parents. We are SO glad that you are on our team! 

Cooperative Loss Program 

(3rd-5th Grade Parents)

Dear Parents/Guardians of 3rd-5th grade students,

When you completed the online registration for your student, you had the option of choosing to enroll in the "Cooperative Loss Program" to lessen the cost of repairs if your student's school iPad gets damaged. This coverage is optional, but if you choose to enroll, we need to receive your $15.00 payment in order for the coverage to be in effect.

Families that marked that they want to participate in this year's Cooperative Loss program have until Friday, August 25, 2023 to pay this fee. Starting on August 28th, those who have not submitted payment will no longer be covered in the program until payment is received.

If you would like to pay online, here is a link to the instructions.

Parents: Paying Fees through Synergy and School Pay

You may also send a $15 check to the school, payable to Reagan. Please be sure to label it with your child's name and "iPad Cooperative Loss."

If you do NOT choose to enroll, or if you have already paid, you can disregard this information.

Curriculum Night

Similar to last year, we will have a virtual Curriculum Night. This is an excellent chance for you to engage in your child's education and receive critical information that will benefit your student's learning throughout the school year. Teachers will provide information on the curriculum, expectations, goals for the school year, classroom schedule, grading policies, and more! You can expect this information through email on Wednesday, August 30th, at 4:00.

Should you have any questions after reviewing the information, please reach out to your classroom teacher.

School Improvement Team - We Want You!

We use our School Improvement Team to gather diverse perspectives. The Reagan School Improvement Team meets four times a year after school, and we are looking for parent volunteers who would be interested in serving on our team.  

The goal of the School Improvement Team is to gather diverse feedback on site-based decisions, including the Reagan Site Plan. No level of expertise is required, just a willingness to share your time and perspectives. Your opinions count; this is a great way to use your perspective to better our school community. 

We will meet four times this year on the following Tuesdays in the Reagan Library:

September 19th (3:45-4:45)

November 7th (3:45-4:45)

February 6th (3:30-5:00)

April 23rd (3:45-4:45)

Click here to join our team! Responses will be collected through Friday, September 1.

All Things Safety

Safety Drills

This afternoon we will practice our safety drills as an entire school.  These safety drills are outlined in the graphic to the right and were also sent home in last week's Friday Folders.  

Arrival and Dismissal Safety Reminders:

Please ensure your arrival and dismissal plans support our supervision availability for the safety of all students.

Morning supervision begins at 8:15 AM. 

Afternoon supervision ends at 3:40 PM (2:40 on Wednesdays). 

This is also a great time of the year to ensure your backup plans are in place should we need you to come to get your child during the school day. 

Excessive Heat Warning:

Next week, the predicted weather will be hot. The National Weather Service has issued an Excessive Heat warning. 

Whenever this happens, at Reagan, we will always err on the side of caution by keeping students indoors for recess in order to protect student and staff safety.
As a reminder, staff will use "" for these alerts, as previously communicated in our Reagan Parent/Student Handbook.

Safety Patrol

Does your child volunteer for safety patrol?  

Please add this calendar for reference throughout the year!

Mark Your Calendars!

Picture Day!

Save the date for Thursday, September 7. Pictures will be taken at school.

Retake/Makeup Date: Tuesday, October 10.

Lunch Information and Menu

Parents with Heart Information

First Meeting Date Change!

Mark Your Calendars for our Date Change! 

Parents with Heart Meeting 

August 29th - 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.

Reagan Library

Check out this flyer for more information!

Friday Staff Treat Sign-Up  - Click Link Here

Similar to previous years, we have a sign-up to bring treats in on a Friday for staff to enjoy throughout the day. Staff greatly appreciate your generosity and this fun way to end their week! 

Spirit Wear Order Form - Click Link Here

Reagan Spirit Wear is available for purchase. Orders for the fall are due through the linked store by noon this coming Tuesday, August 22nd. 

Welcome Back Picnic

We are excited to get all families together for our back-to-school picnic. Please see the attached flyer for more information and to preorder your dinner. It will be a great evening! 

Parents with Heart Contact Information:

Back to School Picnic Flyer 2023.pdf

Yo Yo Berri Night 

Mark your calendars for Reagan's YoYo Berri Night

We look forward to enjoying a special and delicious treat with each of you!

Join us on Wednedsay, August 30th

1:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

25% of proceeds are donated directly back to support Reagan students.

Previously Shared Information That Is Still Relevant

Birthday Board

Let's make sure that no child's birthday is overlooked. 

Are you looking for a special way to have your child recognized on their special day at school?

Fill out the Google Form linked here to secure your child's birthday date! 

Students will be recognized on the large TV monitor at the entrance of our building as an additional celebration!