January 19, 2024

A Message from Mrs. Wunderlich & Reagan Staff

Reagan families,

Seeing so many of you at our culminating One School One Book event on Tuesday evening was great. What a wonderful way to end such a fun read! Check out some pictures from the event in this week's newsletter.

Our next upcoming Parents with Heart event is at Urban Air on Thursday, January 25 from 4-8 PM. We hope to see you all there! 

One School, One Book Pictures

2024-25 Class List Considerations Optional Meetings with Mrs. Wunderlich 

The Reagan staff will begin the process of designing class lists for the 2024-25 school year in March. Historically there have been a significant amount of teacher requests from parents each year, so I thought it would be helpful to reiterate how class lists have been and will continue to be created. 

Our main goal is to provide positive experiences for all students! We strive to create balanced classrooms with regard to personalities, abilities, needs, learning styles, peer relations, and gender balance. Staff work to place students in a learning environment that best meets their needs. Each child is considered individually by members of the following teams: Teachers who currently work within the grade level, HAL, Special Education, Speech Language Pathologist, Administration, Interventionists, and the School Counselor.

We recognize that you value your child's education and can offer valuable insight about them. If you would like to have input into your child’s placement for next year, please schedule a 15-minute appointment with me in the month of February. During this meeting, I will ask for you to share input about your child’s learning style, strengths, and areas of needed improvement. This input will be considered when Reagan teams make placement decisions and begin grouping students. Requests for a specific teacher will NOT be considered as we are in the hiring season, and staffing at each grade level is still being determined. 

To make an appointment, please call 402-715-7100, and Mrs. McCauley will assist you with scheduling a meeting. Input will not be considered after March 1st as we begin making placement decisions at that time.

Thank you for your trust and support.

2024 Show What You Know Fair & Art Expo Information - February 27th

Information on signing up and participating in this incredible event can be found in Friday Folders sent home today!

2024 Show What You Know Fair

The project selected by each student should be done independently (without parents) and can be based on any subject of interest to the student. Students will display project boards, offer information to attendees, could do a demonstration or offer samples and will have time to explore the fair.   Students will receive a free t-shirt to wear at the event.  The primary objective for the students is to have fun, share information with others, and feel a sense of pride for a job well done!

2024 Art Expo

Do you have a Picasso or Van Gogh at home? If so, this is the event for them. The Reagan Art Expo will be held in conjunction with the 2024 “Show What You Know Fair”. Original artwork will be accepted in the office prior to Monday, February 26th, and will be on display at the fair. 

UNO Maverick Hockey Players - Guest Readers 

All Millard Orchestra Festival - January 29th

Potty Training 101 - February 22nd

Potty Training.pdf

Lunch Information and Menu

Previously Shared Information That Is Still Relevant

Urban Air Spirit Night - January 25th 

Valentine's Day Party Volunteers

Reagan's Valentine's Day Parties for K-5 grade will be held on 

Wednesday, February 14th from 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm.

. Please use this link to sign-up to be a volunteer. Within this sign-up, the different expectations and rules are outlined. If you have any questions, please reach out to Julie Milks at juliemilks@gmail.com.

The preschool program will have different party times due to the different schedule. Preschool teachers will communicate this information out to parents.

❄️ Wintery Conditions Are Here - Reagan Recess Guidelines ❄️

Grade-level teachers and the office staff will determine whether students will go out for recess based on precipitation, wind chill, and temperature.  We will plan for outside recess if the temperature or wind chill (“feels like”)  is above 0 using weather.com at the time of the recess. This might mean that a grade level that has a recess at 10 AM may stay inside due to wind chill, and then it might warm up in the afternoon to allow for other grade levels to go outside. We will always go outside unless it is actively snowing and the area cannot be cleared in time for a safe recess.

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Please dress students appropriately for the weather each day so they can fully participate. Classroom teachers have communicated with families what students in your child's grade level will be permitted to bring for outside winter play. There are many factors that go into this decision, such as length of recess, students' level of independence getting dressed/undressed, schedule for what is happening before/after recess, etc. Please make sure to take note of your child's grade level decision through their weekly communication/newsletter. Thank you for your partnership and cooperation in advance.  

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