#Be Kind

October 21, 2022

Cottonwood Families,    

Inclement Weather

There may be some occasions when attending school due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances may not be advisable.  Student safety and learning is always the top priority for Millard Public Schools. With that in mind, Millard Public Schools will utilize a few options including 1) eLearning Days 2) Late Starts and 3) cancelling school.  Late Start and eLearning days will not need to be made up at the end of the school year.

The District will communicate with staff and families when we may need to utilize one of these options.  Announcements related to using any of the above options will be made on the radio and TV stations by 6 a.m.  The announcement will also be posted on Millard’s website: www.mpsomaha.org.  Parents and staff will also receive automated phone calls, texts and emails from our automated system.  Typically, phone calls occur after 6:00 a.m., depending on when the decision is made.

Late start days will begin exactly 2 hours later than the normal school start time.  When weather permits for a later start, the streets, sidewalks and parking lots can be better cleared and rush hour traffic can be complete. On typical school days, our Cottonwood doors open at 8:15 a.m. and school starts at 8:30 a.m., on late start days the Cottonwood doors will open at 10:15 a.m.  and school will start at 10:30 a.m. Our lunch schedule will remain the same. 

Halloween Parties 

Halloween Parties are coming up soon.  Please make sure to read the information regarding parties, parade and costume.

Calendar of Events

Thank you parents for attending parent teacher conferences!  It was great catching up with families.  Thank you also for visiting our Book Fair.  It was one of our busiest and successful book fair ever!  We appreciate your partnership!

Red Ribbon Week

Halloween Parties and Parade

Halloween Parties and Parade

Halloween is fast approaching.   Each classroom will have a few  volunteers to help with the party. Only volunteers will admitted to the classrooms during the Halloween Parties.  All guests are welcome to watch the Halloween parade which will take place at 3:20 pm.  If you are planning to watch the parade from inside the building, you will need to RSVP in advance and sign in when you arrive. If you are going to view the parade from outside, you will not need to preregister.   Allow yourself plenty of time to find parking.  The blacktop will be open to parking  that day.  

Students will be dismissed right after the parade.  Please allow time for your child(ren) to get their things from their classroom after the parade.  We will not be calling students out of their classroom after the parade.  We ask that guests wait outside in their cars after the parade.  Teachers will bring students out and supervise them like normal dismissal.  Please register for the parade at:


As your child prepares for his/her costume, please read      the Halloween.      Costume Guidelines posted below:

Parade Guidelines .docx

October  Breakfast & Lunch Menus

Oct Breakfast Menu Millard_tcm755-158481.pdf
Oct Lunch Menu Millard_tcm755-158483.pdf

CONGRATULATIONS to Hailey Woockman for being selected to represent Cottonwood as a member of the OSHE (Orff-Schulwerk Honors Ensemble)!!  Only ONE 5th Grader could be selected from each Millard Elementary for this honors ensemble!

CONGRATULATIONS to Olivia Kjerstad, Myia Lima-Hoffman, and Waverly Wenger for being selected to represent Cottonwood as members of the MEHC (Millard Ensemble Honors Choir)!!  Only three 5th Graders could be selected from each MPS Elementary to be in this honors choir!

Yearbook Order.pdf

Job Opportunities in Millard

Looking for a new opportunity? We would love for you to consider a job with Millard Public Schools! No one knows us better than you. You are our community, and we want our families to be a part of our schools. You get what we are all about better than anyone else. 


We are also a good fit for moms and dads with busy lives looking for schedules and opportunities that fit around families. The work is meaningful - and it doesn’t happen on nights and weekends. 


We have para positions in our classrooms, food service and maintenance positions and a host of other opportunities. We currently have a few openings at Cottonwood.  For a full list of open positions in our district.  See everything currently available here: 


Open Positions for Millard Public Schools 


We invite you to be the next great reason we are #Proud2MPS!


Parent Pride:

A Parent Volunteer Group

The Parent Pride, a parent volunteer group,  is an integral part of the Cottonwood community.  Each year this group of volunteers help to organize and fund raise for the events and activities that take place at Cottonwood. There are no membership dues so we depend on donations or participation of our fund-raising events.  We hope that you will consider volunteering your time to support one of these events.  Please remember to check our weekly newsletter for other volunteer opportunities.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Gina  Rudloff at 402-715-1390 or gkrudloff@mpsomaha.org.  If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up below.

Thank you

Gina Rudloff

The school directory is now complete.  If you would like to have have access to the directory please contact our office at 402-715-1390 and access can be given.  

Community Corner

Millard Food Pantry 22-23 (1).pdf
Millard Food Pantry 22-23 Spanish (1).pdf
heartland hope holiday (1).pdf

The Millard North Booster Club is sponsoring a Craft Fair on Saturday, October 22nd from 9 am - 3 pm.  Funds raised through this activity support the high school clubs and activities with items such as equipment for the students to use now and in the future.

With over 175 handmade vendors/crafters at the craft fair there should be something for everyone such as home decor, candles, jewelry, gifts, specialty food items, and so much more.  Start shopping for the holidays or come find something for yourself.