#Be Kind

January 12, 2024

Cottonwood Families,    

Movie Night 

We are excited to share that Cottonwood will be hosting a movie night on Friday, January 26th.  Please read further in our newsletter for more details and volunteer opportunities.

Report Cards

Due to the remote learning day, report cards and Winter MAP results will be sent home on Tuesday upon our return.  This is a great opportunity to celebrate the successes your child has had throughout the quarter as well as set goals for the next quarter.   


There is a Cottonwood family with a 2nd and 3rd grader who is looking for before/after school care and/or needing to join a car pool.  The family leaves near WyCliffe Apartments.  If you are interested or could relay some information that is helpful, please contact our office so we can share that information with the family.  Thank in advance for your help.

Calendar of Events

There is NO School for students on MLK Day,  Monday, January 15th.  It is a Staff Development Day for Staff.


Breakfast & Lunch Menu

Movie Night

Hosted by our Parent PRIDE 

Cottonwood Movie Night.pdf

If you are interested in donating items or your time for our movie night, please see complete the Genius Sign up with is linked below:

Movie Night Volunteers 

Inclement Weather Reminders

Inclement Weather

There may be some occasions when attending school due to inclement weather or other unforeseen circumstances may not be advisable.  Student safety and learning is always the top priority for Millard Public Schools. With that in mind, Millard Public Schools will utilize a few options including 1) eLearning Days 2) Late Starts and 3) cancelling school.  Late Start and eLearning days will not need to be made up at the end of the school year.

The District will communicate with staff and families when we may need to utilize one of these options.  Announcements related to using any of the above options will be made on the radio and TV stations by 6 a.m.  The announcement will also be posted on Millard’s website: www.mpsomaha.org.  Parents and staff will also receive automated phone calls, texts and emails from our automated system.  Typically, phone calls occur after 6:00 a.m., depending on when the decision is made.

Late start days will begin exactly 2 hours later than the normal school start time.  When weather permits for a later start, the streets, sidewalks and parking lots can be better cleared and rush hour traffic can be complete. On typical school days, our Cottonwood doors open at 8:15 a.m. and school starts at 8:30 a.m., on late start days the Cottonwood doors will open at 10:15 a.m.  and school will start at 10:30 a.m. Our lunch schedule will remain the same. 


Community Corner Announcements 

MPS Food Pantry - English.pdf
MPS Food Pantry - Spanish.pdf
Countryside Community Church Food Pantry.pdf