Second Grade Science

SeeSaw for Science Organized in Science Folders

Did you know that you can set up your SeeSaw class so that students can organize their journal posts into folders?

  • This means that every time students make a post related to science, for example, they could save it into a pre-named folder of Science or Science Notebook.

How to turn folders ON for students:

  1. Tap the wrench icon for your class and then select Manage Folders/ Create a Folder and name them.
  2. Scroll down to "Show add to folder step".
  3. Turn this to "Students and teachers".
  4. Press the back arrow to save.

Your students will now be prompted to add work to folders when they add a post.


Learn about Being a Scientist on BrainPop Jr.

BrainPop Jr. is a website featuring terrific animated shorts and activities covering a variety of topics. BrainPoP Jr is available to all staff and students via our Clever portal. Login via Clever with your Moraga google account, select BrainPoP Jr. and check out these Be A Scientist videos:

Matter with BrainPop Jr.

Login via Clever with your Moraga google account, select BrainPoP Jr. and check out these Matter videos:

SeeSaw for STEM and Science Notebooking

Writing a science notebook can be challenging and time-consuming for young learners. SeeSaw enables students to record their scientific inquiry and thinking. Use this Activity for science experiments. The teacher can edit the activity and post the photo of the experiment and then students record their thinking or students can take their own photo or add a drawing.

  • Click on the activity to save it.

Here are some other examples of 2nd grade science and STEM Activities:


Earth and Land with BrainPop Jr.

Login via Clever with your Moraga google account, select BrainPoP Jr. and check out these Earth and Land videos:

Properties of Rocks with Chatterpix

Chatterpix is a fun app loaded on K-2 iPads that allows students to make any character or thing "talk" in their voice. Students can upload their own drawings or use a photo. In this example, students use a photo of a rock that talks to describe its characteristics. Chatterpix can easily be added by students to their SeeSaw Journals from the iPad Camera Roll.


Plants with BrainPop Jr.

Login via Clever with your Moraga google account, select BrainPoP Jr. and check out these Plant videos:

Habitats with BrainPop Jr.

Login via Clever with your Moraga google account, select BrainPoP Jr. and check out these Habitat videos: