FL Project Ideas

Problem: There is a wide variance in tech integration in our classrooms with some students utilizing almost no technology to support their learning. There is a wide variance in teacher tech comfort/understanding in implementing technology. Little to no time...

Essential Question: How can we scaffold quality tech integration for all classrooms?

Supports: Site Tech Coordinators pushing in, META, digital resources, tech access.

Goal for Our Time:

a. To curate and create common ed tech best practices and lessons, easily accessible to all staff so that ALL students receive the benefit and supports from technology-enhanced learning. Goal is to curate/create 1 or 2 quality lessons/practices per trimester, per subject area.

b. Lessons should leverage digital learning platforms (SeeSaw and G Class) and learning portfolios (SeeSaw and Google Sites) to simplify delivery of lessons while also providing students the flexible supports of digital content.

c. Lessons should be usable for you.

Action Steps:

1. Give input on the Draft Educational Technology Goals and Guiding Principles (when you can)

2. Review Lesson Guidelines:

a. Lessons should support curriculum and be clear, uncomplicated and reusable multiple times.

b. Lessons should empower students to be creators of content.

c. Lessons should provide multiple resources for students to access content.

d. When possible, lessons should incorporate Moraga digital resources like BrainPoP, NewsELA, FOSS Web, Brittanica School, WorldBook EBooks (see Clever) and Read&Write.

3. Peruse Orinda's Updated Project Site and find one lesson to share that "ticks some of the boxes." Discuss what to add to "tick more boxes."

4. K-3 Teachers work on adding to this: Moraga K-3 SeeSaw Activities with a teacher note when helpful

5. 3rd grade work on moving these activities over to our new 3rd grade page and also work on the 3rd Grade Google Master Classroom.

4th-8th Teachers work on adding to the grade level Google Classroom with a teacher note. 4th Grade Google Master Classroom, 5th Grade Google Master Classroom, 6th Grade Google Master Classroom

SpEd work on Accessibility List and help review our lessons with a UDL lens.

Old Project Template

Template MSD Tech Projects and Lessons