MT Open Classroom

Miss Tay Ee Teng

Date: Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Time: 1115 to 1215

Class 302

Venue: 302 Classroom

1. Synopsis

This lesson aims to encourage higher order thinking for students through questionings and discussions, with the given theme on kinship. During the lesson, students will work in groups to discuss about questions related to the given passage.

A motivational video will be used to trigger their interest. With the basic structure of Share Start pedagogy, students will proceed with discussing the given theme and questions. The discussion process will also aid students in thinking from different perspectives and learning from their peers. Oral skills will be practised as students will need to share from their personal experiences as well. They will then be assessed by both their teacher and peers after their sharing of answers. At the end of the lesson, students will be able to have a better understanding of the answering techniques, thus be able to answer higher order thinking questions.

2. Pedagogy

  • RAP pedagogy
  • Group discussion to encourage higher order thinking

3. Assessment for Learning

STP Teaching Action: Share My Learning

Selected students will be asked to present their answers. Their peers will give feedback on the answers and may also correct their peers' answers. Thereafter, teacher will ask questions to get students to think whether the answers are complete, to further prompt questions to develop deeper understanding as well as to summarise the lesson.

4. Lesson Plan

Tay Ee Teng Lesson Plan.docx

5. Reflection

6. Photo and /or Video Gallery

Mdm Nur Sahira Bte Ramlee

Date: Thursday, 28 March 2019

Time: 1245 to 1415

Class: 103/104

Venue: CR1-3

1. Synopsis

This lesson aims to teach students to organise their thoughts using instructional strategy, Making Thinking Visible i.e Compass Points. This skill will be useful when they have to organise their ideas in answering higher order thinking question during Oral Examination.

Teacher will arouse interest in students by getting them to upload the pictures related to the theme prior to the lesson on the class Padlet. This collage of pictures will be shared with the students during lesson introduction. They will also generate vocabulary pertaining to the theme using Mentimeter. Students will then watch a video on Facilities at a Housing Estate. They will work in groups to form different questions according to the assigned parts of the Compass Points based on the video. Students will then answer questions by their classmates and present to the class. Teachers will summarise the lesson by telling the students that they have been organising their ideas to answer higher order thinking questions based on the instructional strategies Compass Point.

2. Pedagogy

  • RAP pedagogy

3. Assessment for Learning

4. Lesson Plan

Sahira Ramlee Lesson Plan.docx

5. Reflection

6. Photo and /or Video Gallery