C&T Open Classroom

Mr Chia Kim Seng Dominic

Date: Thursday, 11 April 2019

Time: 0745 to 0915

Class: 306

Venue: D&T Workshop 1

1. Synopsis

Students find it challenging to memorise the spelling of the name of each mechanism, explain fully how each mechanism works and provide correct examples mechanisms found in their daily lives. Thus, this lesson aims to reinforce the students’ understanding of key concepts essential to the topic on Mechanisms, namely Levers and Springs. Students will work in pairs in a ‘Bus-Stop’ investigative activity to construct meaning collaboratively using their observations and prior knowledge.

2. Pedagogy

RAP pedagogy

Learning Experiences: Activating Prior Knowledge and Encouraging Learner Engagement

3. Assessment for Learning

Checking for understanding by answering questions using SLS/Kahoot

4. Lesson plan

Dominic Chia OCR Lesson Plan.docx

5. Reflection

6. Photo and /or Video Gallery