Humanities Open Classroom

Ms Rossana Bte Ros

Date: Monday, 4 March 2019

Time: 0845-0945

4 Express students

Venue: 401 classroom

1. Synopsis

The Making of History – Cuban Missile Crisis

I believe that we need to arouse the students’ interest in the events that took place in History to appreciate the presence. Visual images and video clips will spark students’ interest in the discipline. In addition, we can simulate history by getting students to put themselves in the shoe of the politicians in decision making to understand the complexity of the problem. To assess students’ understanding, each student is to record their learning by creating a mind-map on the roles of the key players in the crisis.

2. Pedagogy

  • RAP pedagogy
  • Learning Experiences: Arousing Interest through the use of images to draw prior knowledge and making connection to the lesson to be taught and Sustaining Interest though Facilitating Collaborative Learning - the use of simulating activity

3. Assessment for Learning

Mind-map to check and monitor understanding of concept

4. Lesson Plan

Ms Rossana Bte Ros OCR Lesson Plan (Revised).docx

5. Reflection

6. Photo and /or Video Gallery