Mrs Jan Yap (Maths)

Senior Teacher

STP Teaching Areas/Actions and Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Arousing Interest (Using Stories and Images)

For the lesson, students watched a short video clip (1.51 min) on Basic Set Theory to help them recall previous lesson. Teacher used video to arouse students’ interest and to activate their prior knowledge of the basic Set Language so as to prepare them to learn new topics.

Facilitating Collaborative Learning (Jigsaw)

Students proceed to join the respective Expert Teams. They are to learn their components well and be ready to teach their teammates when they return to their Home Teams. Move among the student work groups periodically to listen to the exchanges to better understand how students have internalised their learning. (15 mins)

Once students are ready, they return to their respective Home Teams. To teach their teammates of the different topic which they have learnt. Beginning with student A, each student has three minutes to teach his piece of the puzzle to the other members of his Home Team. The students should be teaching, and not reading from the handout. Move among the student work groups periodically to ask questions and check for understanding. (15 mins)

Through the use of cooperating learning (jigsaw), it enables knowledge to be socially constructed among students and subsequently internalised individually. This is aligned with the belief that learning takes place individually and collaboratively, as students construct and co-construct meaning from knowledge and experiences. Also, it promotes positive interdependence during the learning process and can help improve students’ attitudes toward learning and their peers.

ICT Tools

Quiz in SLS portal

Students completed a SLS quiz (10 MCQ and fill in the blanks questions)


Once all the students have completed the SLS quiz, they proceed to use padlet to pose their 2 takeaways.