Miss Tay Yinmin (Geography)

ICT Champion

STP Teaching Areas/Actions and Assessment for Learning (AfL)

[Arousing Interest]

Using stories and images: The teacher used very powerful videos on the effect of tourism on the Kayan Lawi Tribe and Bali to arouse students' interest in the topic and to illicit students' views on the topic.

The teacher also shared her personal story and photo taken with the Kayan Lawi Tribe to help make connections to the materials.

[Visual Organisers]

Mindmap: Through the use of a simple tabulated mindmap, students catagorised and summarised the positive and negative effects of tourism.

[Setting Meaningful Assessment]

Working in pairs, students researched on an assigned impact of tourism to create a short on-line package that comprised a short Youtube video, a write-up of the impact and a MCQ that is related to the video / write-up. These varied components of a video, a write-up and a self-designed question provide evidence of students' learning.

ICT Tools

SLS Portal:

Flipped Classroom Learning: Prior to this lesson, students completed a pre-lesson package where they viewed a video on the Long-Necked Kayan Lawi Tribe in Northern Thailand and acquired an overview of the impacts of tourism.

A second video on Bali, which was of a different context, was uploaded for students to watch in class to apply their learning on the effects of tourism. Students completed and submitted their work in groups on the SLS portal.

Photo Gallery