Miss Goh Ai Lian (Chemistry)

Lead Teacher

STP Teaching Areas/Actions and Assessment for Learning (AfL)

[Activating Prior Knowledge]

Having a recap at the start of the lesson, verbal and with summary notes given (Electrolysis of Water at a Quick Glance). It helps the students to recall what has been learnt and to connect to the new knowledge/learning that is required of them for the lesson.

[Arousing Interest and Providing Clear explanation]

Demonstration: The visual observation of teacher’s demonstration helps students to be clear on some of the skills of visual observation required when doing experiments

[Facilitating Collaborative Learning]

Think-Pair-Share: The lesson involves having the students to work in pairs, nicely named as partner investigators, to make meaning and co-construct their observations, findings and conclusion together. Students will show their understanding of the reactions occurring in the electrolysis of water by answering the questions in their activity worksheet.

ICT Tools

Quiz in SLS portal

For closure and assessment for students' learning: Each student to then log into the SLS to access the quiz on the lesson.

Photo Gallery