General Readings

2018 Recommended Readings and Resources

Article - "What Does It Mean to Have High Expectations for Your Students"

[11 Jan 2018]

The URL for this article

Article - Growth Mindset

[2 Feb 2018]

Students’ beliefs or mindsets about learning and their own abilities or intelligence can affect their academic achievement.

The concept of Growth Mindset was developed by Carol Dweck who is a renowned psychologist. The Growth Mindset emphasises that we can develop our abilities, intelligence and talent through dedication and effort.

Carol Dweck’s work has found that we can intentionally teach students to have a growth mindset! I found this online article about Growth Mindset which you may be interested in:

Happy reading!

Habits of Success

[30 July 2018]

A good online read on the 16 Habits of Mind and how we can help our students acquire these habits.


Poster on the Habits of Mind by ASCD: