Maths Open Classroom

Mdm Wong Chuay Leng

Date: Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Time: 0745-0845

Class 403

Venue: CR1-4

1. Synopsis

Topic: Matrices

In this introductory lesson on Matrices, students will be shown a video on real-life application of matrices. Their interest will be piqued further when they share their personal stories using matrices.

The objectives of this lesson are that students should be able to find the value of the unknown element in a pair of equal matrices, add and subtract two matrices of the same order.

The teacher also uses ‘Nearpod’ to create an inclusive and immersive learning experience by allowing students to actively participate in the lessons. Another advantage of using Nearpod is that it provides instant feedback on students’ learning and thoughts. They also discuss methods and check final solutions with their table mates.

2. Pedagogy

  • RAP pedagogy
  • Learning Experience: Encouraging learner engagement

3. Assessment for Learning

Feedback using Nearpod

4. Lesson Plan

Wong Chuay Leng OCR Lesson Plan.docx

5. Reflection

The lesson went well. The students were able to keep pace and stay engaged throughout lesson.

The videos from Ace-learning portal presented the introduction to matrices clearly and effectively. The characteristics of a matrix, various types of matrices and matrices in real-life contexts were explained in an attractive animated manner.

They understood the materials taught as they were able to present their solutions correctly on the board.

In the feedback, I am surprised that a student who had not been performing well in mathematics wrote that she enjoys mathematics now.

I will use the Nearpod more often to gather feedback and suggestions from students, as well as to monitor their learning.

6. Photo and /or Video Gallery

Mdm Chin Pei Kee

Date: Thursday, 4 April 2019

Time: 1015-1115

Class 203B

Venue: 203B

1. Synopsis

In this first lesson on the topic on “Congruency and Similarity”, students will be taught how to identify congruent figures and the properties of congruent figures. They will get an opportunity to work collaboratively during the lesson on an activity on cubing to further strengthen their understanding of the concepts learnt.

2. Pedagogy

RAP pedagogy

Learning Experience: Encouraging Learner Engagement

3. Assessment for Learning

4. Lesson Plan

Chin Pei Kee OCR Lesson Plan.docx

5. Reflection

6. Photo and /or Video Gallery