Ms Siti Hawa (F&N)

STP Teaching Areas/Actions and Assessment for Learning (AfL)

Collaborative learning & Investigative approach

Visual learning through watching video

Bus Stop activities

Station A: Experiment to test freshness of eggs.

Students to place the egg in a glass of water to see whether it sinks or float. Complete the worksheet.

Station B: To compare between fresh egg and stale egg.

Students to observe the quality of the two eggs. Observe the egg white and egg yolk. Record the results.

Station C: Uses of eggs and examples

Students to classify the uses of eggs and their examples.

Station D: Introduction to eggs

Students to watch a video and complete the worksheet.

Use of KWL worksheet

Using KWL worksheet, students to complete ‘what they already know’ and ‘what they want to know’ on eggs.

ICT tools

Quiz in SLS portal

Use of SLS quiz feature at the end of the lesson as an assessment for learning for the teacher to check on the effectiveness of the lesson.

Photo Gallery