Mdm Tan Boon Siew (D&T)

STP Teaching Areas/Actions and Assessment for Learning (AfL)

(Lesson Enactment) Arousing Interest:

Authentic situation and images were used to arouse students' interest. Locktronics equipment sets are used to provide hands on learning experience for students to construct circuits so that students are greatly motivated to strive for excellence in the subject that they are engaged.

(Assessment and Feedback) Checking for understanding and providing feedback:

Students are guided using the learning journal when carrying out the activities and use of SLS to check their understanding at the end of the lesson.

ICT Tools

Quiz in SLS portal

Students answer 10 MCQ questions in SLS portal using iPad to determine students understanding in relation to the objectives of the lesson. Teacher to use the results from MCQ questions to feedback and to address any misconception that they have during the course of the main learning activity if time permit.