Mdm Yap Yee Ling (Chinese Langauage)

Senior Teacher

STP Teaching Areas/Actions and Assessment for Learning (AfL)

[Arousing interest]

Using stories and images: The teacher used images through a video to arouse students' interest in the topic of language description (i.e. 语言描写) and to foster creativity as students write a story to complete the video.

[Facilitating Collaborative Learning]

Think=Pair-Share: Students worked in pairs to write a story to complete the video. As the students wrote their stories on the online Linoit platform, their work could be shared with their peers. The teacher also selected some pairs to present their work to the class.

ICT Tools


Use of Linoit, which is an online tool, to provide a virtual bulletin board for students to post their answers to teachers' questions during the lesson.

SLS Portal:


  • view a video which they will use to complete a short story
  • complete a quiz at the end of the lesson for teacher to assess their

Photo Gallery