Commerce Open Classroom

Mrs Chan Hwee Chin

Date: Monday, 4 March 2019

Time: 1215 to 1345

Class 304

Venue: 304 classroom

1. Synopsis

Topic: Double entry Accounting

This lesson is for a Normal (Academic) class comprising 27 students. The topic taught is an important foundational topic of the POA syllabus.

The challenges faced in teaching this lesson is that being a one and a half hour lesson, it is very difficult to keep students focused during the lesson. There are students who like to answer questions during lesson but there are those who are very reserved, so I will have to make sure that questions are evenly distributed to assess each student’s learning and to actively engage both groups of students. In additional, this topic, as like most POA topics, is tedious and very dry but is a fundamentally important topic so I will have to ensure that students learn this topic well.

Under the Teaching Process of Lesson Enactment, the Teaching Areas used in this lesson will be

  • Providing Clear Explanation (Teaching Action: Demonstration) and
  • Encouraging Learner Engagement (Teaching Action: Explore, Engage, Apply).

2. Pedagogy

  • RAP pedagogy
  • Learning Experiences: Encouraging Learner Engagement and Providing Clear Explanation

3. Assessment for Learning

For the Teaching Process of Assessment and Feedback, the Teaching Areas used will be:

  • Checking for Understanding and Providing Feedback (Teaching Action: I Do, I Know, I Check) and
  • Setting Meaningful Assignments (Teaching Action: Practice for Mastery)

4. Lesson Plan

Chan Hwee Chin OCR Lesson Plan.docx

5. Reflection

6. Photo and/or Video Gallery

Mdm Chan Yan Ling Adeline

Date: Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Time: 0745 to 0945

Class: 306

Venue: Computer lab 3

1. Synopsis

Advertising is part of ‘Promotion’ which is one of the Ps of the Marketing Mix (4Ps- Product, Place, Price, Promotion). Promotion is informing target customers that the right product is available at the right price, the right time and the right place. All the elements of the marketing mix influence each other. In this lesson, the students will explore the three types of Advertising- Print, Broadcast and Electronic with focus on the AIDA model for Print advertising.

AIDA is an acronym that stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. The AIDA model is widely used in the advertising world to describe the steps or stages that occur from the time when a consumer first becomes aware of a product or brand through to when the consumer trials a product or makes a purchase decision.

2. Pedagogy

  • RAP pedagogy
  • Project-based learning ( Differentiated Instruction strategy)
  • Inculcating Entreprenurial Dare and Singapore Spirit

3. Assessment for Learning

Students' group presentation of collaborative work

4. Lesson Plan

Adeline OCR Lesson Plan.docx

5. Reflection

6. Photo and/or Video Gallery