
Did you know?

Teens need 8-9 hours of sleep to function to their best ability.

Not getting enough sleep can not only affect your physical state, but your mental health and emotional wellbeing too.

Sleep deprivation can lead to anxiety, mood swings, slower thinking, more prone to making mistakes and irritability.

Tips for Getting to Sleep

Talk through anything that's worrying you:

  • Often if there is something worrying us or something on our mind this can stop us from getting a good nights sleep. A really good way to help this is talk to someone you trust about any problems you might be having. This can help make problems seem smaller or even getting it off your chest can help relieve your stress!

  • You could also write down your worries, or anything that is annoying you or make a to-do list before you go to bed. This helps empty your mind before you try to sleep.

Try and Limit your Screen Time:

  • If possible, do not have a mobile, tablet, TV or computer in the bedroom at night, as the light from the screen interferes with sleep.

  • Being on your phone before bed can also mean you are more tempted to scroll through social media or get caught up talking to friends which can prevent you from sleeping.

Exercise for Better Sleep:

  • Regular exercise helps you sleep more soundly, as well as improving your general health.

  • Try and aim for at least 60 minutes' exercise every day, this could be activities like walking, running cycling or playing sports. in

  • Exercising out in daylight will help to encourage healthy sleep patterns, too.

  • We have some home work out ideas here or some recommendations for fitness Instagram accounts here.

Try a Sleep App:

  • There are apps that are designed for helping you sleep. Some have breathing techniques or meditation, or can read stories or calming sounds as you are trying to sleep. Have a look at some helpful sleep apps here.

Have a Good Routine:

  • Having a good routine before bed can help you sleep. This could be reading, writing or journaling or something simple like taking off your make up and moisturising.

Try Avoid Napping:

  • As tempting as it is, if you nap during the day sometimes this can mean you find it hard to sleep at night. As hard as it might be try staying awake and see if that helps you sleep.