Midlothian's Young People Advice Service

MYPAS stands for Midlothian Young Persons Advice Service. They offer lots of different supports in school that you can access. 

Drop in appointments

To get a drop in appointment all you need to do is fill out a slip and drop it into the box that is on the wall between 110 and 111.  From there you will get called out of class for a short appointment. 

Self Referral

You can refer yourself to speak to a MYPAS counsellor on their website just click the link below to go to the form. MYPAS counsellors can help with 

Family Counselling

MYPAS is able to accept, on a limited basis, referrals for young people and their families for Family Counselling.

Family counselling aims to help support all family members, particularly the Young Person in their interactional patterns with the hope of leading to improved relationships.  The family counsellor can work with all family members together or in different groups. 


MYPAS can help with a number of issues you might be experiencing. Some of the services they offer are:

Have a look on their Website to see all their resources and if there is anything that can help.