
As much as school can be a bit stressful with lots of work to do at home, you need to make sure that you are still socialising with others.

Plan to meet a friend, a family member, a neighbour or even someone you don’t really know well who you sit with in a class. Seeing and making friendships can make you feel so relieved. Being able to forget about school and other stresses for just an hour can really boost your moral.

COVID - 19

Please make sure that if you are socialising you are abiding by the latest government guidelines.

With the friends that you may currently have, make sure that you are friends with them for positive reasons.

If they make fun of your insecurities, if they leave you out, if they make fun of you behind your back or if they always want to compete with you; they are not your true friends. Friends should be supportive, they should make you smile and laugh. Friends shouldn’t make you question your self worth. If they are mean to you: leave them.

If you believe you are being bullied, don’t hesitate to contact student support.

Social media is such a great way to communicate and to be yourself. There are so many ways to be creative and to express who you really are as a person. On our “social media” tab, we have put together some Instagram accounts that provide positivity and help for you.

Tips for Making New Friends:

    1. Begin talking to someone who you sit with in a class. You never know they might share similar interests to you. Ask open questions instead of questions that may lead to “yes” or “no”.

    2. Join a club or committee. Whether that be a lunchtime committee or an afterschool sports club, joining these clubs will introduce you to people from all years at school who share the same interests as you.

    3. Speak to someone who is on their own. Instead of leaving someone who is by themselves everyday to sit alone, invite them to sit with you.