Getting Outside

Nature is the purest form of self-care.

Going outside for a walk, for just 15 minutes, has been proven to make you feel happier. The fresh air allows your lungs to clear from all pollution that may be in them. You don’t just have to go on a walk to be out in the nature, you can run, cycle, scooter, skateboard or just sit.

Whichever option you choose, try and use your senses:

  1. What do you hear? Listen out for birds, water, people, wind.

  2. What do you see? Look at the objects that surround you, look for any animals, look to the sky and watch the clouds move.

  3. What do you smell? Can you smell any flowers? Can you smell the salt water of a near by river?

  4. What do you feel? Feel the air touch your hands, feel your lungs fill up with oxygen, feel your feet on an uneven path.

Within your mind, you can create a happy space/sacred space. This is a real life, physical space that you have visited before that brings back positive memories. This could be your home, a specific park you used to go to or even a beach. Whenever you feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious or any other emotions in between, thinking of your happy place for a few minutes can ground you back to normality.