Physical Wellbeing

Physical health and mental health go hand in hand. So if you look after your physical wellbeing then it can help you to look after your mental wellbeing.

Tips for Physical Wellbeing


There are lots of things you can do to exercise, click on the links below to see more of our exercise advice.


Going on a walk is a simple and effective way to have time for yourself. Either alone or with friends/family, go on an hour’s long walk. Take in all your surroundings, use all senses to focus around you.

Good Diet/Drinking Water

Having a well-balanced diet is vital to maintaining a good physical and mental health.


  • Some very important considerations for teenagers especially is to make sure that you start your day with breakfast

  • Lasswade provides a “Grab and Go Breakfast” service to ensure people have some sort of food for starting their day – all you need to do is pick something up at the door, it is free for everyone.

Remembering to drink water throughout your day is another key way of taking care of yourself.


Yoga is a great way to relax. It is a form of exercise that has less impact and is really good for heloing you to relax. Yoga has many benefits including relaxation, improves your focus, helps you sleep deeper, eases physical pain and increases your self-esteem.

Here is an quick relaxing yoga tutorial you can do in your house.

We have lots more yoga ideas here.