
Exercise is a great way to look after your physical and mental health. It can help you feel more relaxed, help you sleep better or be a form of self care or something you can do to escape stresses.

Tracking Apps

Walking, running and cycling are all great and easy ways to get out and exercise. These apps can help you to track your distances, times and pace so you can keep track of your progress and your workouts. All these apps are free to download and use!


Nike Run Club

Map my Run

Adidas Run

Some workouts designed by our mental health group:

Youtube Workouts

Finding workouts on youtube is a really easy way to start working out, there are lots of accounts out there that do different home workouts and challenges just have a look.

Joe Wicks - The Body Coach

Does lots of workouts including Joe Wicks PE (nothing on our PE department though!)


Madfit has lots of fitness videos that you can do in your house with no equipment.

Fitness Instagrams

These fitness instagrams have great tips for working out at the gym and home. Some also go live to offer homeworkouts throughout the week.


Courtney Black is a fitness influencer who does live home workouts on her instagram. She does 28 day workout challenges that you can get involved with and also posts healthy meals and tips to keep you motivated.


From Gymshark the clothing brand. Daily videos and home workout ideas.


Trainer to the Kardashians, posts exercises and tips on her instagram.


Gymshark athlete, posts various workouts focussing on different muscle groups.


Iron man and sprinter. Most of her workouts require no equipment so they are really easy to do.


Live workouts and motivational posts.