Emotional Wellbeing

Your emotional wellbeing is just as important as your physical wellbeing.

So many things contribute to how you feel.

We understand that during your years at school, you may feel quite stressed and uptight. This is NORMAL. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed that you may be stressed about school work. We are all different and may find different things harder or easier than others. School work is meant to be challenging, it would be pointless if everyone found it easy!

Other factors out with school can impact your emotional wellbeing too, and most people are aware of this. We all have completely different personal lives at home. These emotions that we may feel at home or due to a situation that didn’t occur in school can stick by us when we start school each day. This is again, super normal. We all have bad days. If you think your emotions are going to get the best of you during a class, simply reach out to your teacher to tell them. Teachers will fully understand and take into account that you are not having the best of days.