Exam Stress

Lots of students suffer with stress and pressure during the exam period. There is a lot of uncertainty this year with everything that has happened with COVID so it is only natural that you might be experiencing stress around exams or school work.

Signs you could be suffering from stress:

  • Worrying lots

  • Feeling tense

  • Headaches/Stomach Pains

  • Not sleeping well

  • Feeling irritable

  • Loss of appetite/eating more than usual

  • Not enjoying activities you used to

  • Feeling low/negative

Have a Schedule

Having a weekly plan for studying, homework or even just to manage your time can help to reduce feeling stressed and make things seem more doable.

Set Achievable Goals

Studying for an exam can seem incredibly daunting. If you set yourself small goals you can achieve it will not only make you feel productive, but it will also help you to tackle big tasks without too much anxiety

Remove Distractions

Try and put your phone away, turn the TV off even consider if studying with music is distracting, it will probably help you concentrate. Then you can allow yourself breaks to check your phone, watch the TV

Apps that can help block distractions below:

Cold Turkey - Can help block social media websites for periods of time.

Self Control - Specifically for Macs , can block social media or distracting websites.

Eat Well - Drink Water

If possible, make sure you have healthy snacks. More importantly drink water! Without being properly hydrated you can feel unable to concentrate and not feel great.

Get some Sleep

Having a good sleep schedule will enable you to concentrate properly. Being consistent with the amount of sleep you get and when you get it does a world of good, just like any sort of routine. Try to wind down before you go to bed and avoid caffeine/ netflix binging later at night. If you are struggling to sleep have a look at our apps that help with sleep and wellbeing advice.

Make time for yourself

Make sure you are still making time for the things you enjoy! It is important to take time to unwind and look after yourself. If studying is preventing you from getting sleep, food, exercise, or a shower then it will be a problem. Check out the rest of our website for great tips about self-care. We also have a list of apps that you can use for meditation and stress management.

Study with Friends

Revising with your peers can help you absorb your own notes better. Plus, they can offer advice and support if you are stuck or worried. It is rarely better to go it alone if you are stuck on a topic or problem.

Talk to Someone!

This is probably the most important tip. If you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed bottling it up can make it much worse. Talking to someone might help you get some perspective but it can also just make you feel much better.