Wellbeing and Sport

Sport and Mental wellbeing often go hand in hand. More and more we are seeing professional athletes opening up about their experiences with Mental Health in sport. This section has links to some of these experiences and resources that sporting mental health associations have produced.

Heads together Campaign

Heads together is a campaign started by The Royal Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, which combines a campaign to tackle stigma and change the conversation on mental health with fundraising for a series of innovative new mental health services.

They are working with a number of sports people like Gareth Southgate and Peter Crouch to open up conversations about Mental Health.

Heads Up Football Association

The FA have introduced the Heads Up campaign , using the influence and popularity of football to show the world that mental fitness is just as important as physical fitness. They have done great things like renaming the 2020 FA Cup Final to the Heads Up FA Cup Final.

Freddie Flintoff Documentary

MentFreddie Flintoff MBE was an international cricketer and now is a Television and Radio presenter has recently opened up about his struggles with Bulimia in a BBC Documentary.

Link to BBC iPlayer Documentary:


Mind Mental Health Charity

Mind have put together some useful resources about Sport and Physical Activity and Mental Health. They have support for people returning to sport after COVID and support for people wanting to become more active. Have a look at their website to see what they have.