Duty Bearer's and Right's Holders

Who are Duty Bearers and Rights Holders?

At Maesgwyn School all adults and pupils have been made aware of their roles as Duty Bearers and Rights Holders.

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) applies to all children and they are Rights Holders. Adults such as parents, teachers and local government are Duty Bearers who help children and young people to enjoy their rights.

In a Rights Respecting school it is important the adults, children and young people understand rights as inalienable, universal, unconditional, inherent and indivisible. Rights are unconditional – they are not dependent upon a responsibility and cannot be taken away. Because they are universal, however, children and adults should show rights-respecting behaviours. In this way individual children can both enjoy their own rights and respect the rights of others.