RSE - Relationships and sexuality education

Relationships and sexuality education

Education in Wales is changing. Teachers and education experts from across Wales have been working together to develop the Curriculum for Wales. We need to help all of our young people to excel in all aspects of life, so they grow into adults who are healthy, confident individuals. Education should encourage and support young people to respect themselves and others, to value diversity, and give them the ability to build healthy, respectful relationships. The new curriculum starting in September 2022 will include developmentally appropriate Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE).

Here we've included some resources that will further your understanding of the RSE provision at Maesgwyn. Please take some time to watch the video while accessing the links in the document below which include links to the RSE code (detailing the content that will be covered) and links to commentary from a variety of organisations (including a case study from a local school)

What’s changing with relationships and sexuality education (RSE)_ information for schools, settings, parents and carers.pdf